Corporate Design, Stationery and Website for the Dentist »Dr. Willerding« [Tegernsee]
»Teeth are like friends. If you don’t take care of them, you’ll lose them.« With this tagline, the new dental practice of Dr. Willerding at Tegernsee is introduced. During the founding phase, I was responsible for developing the positioning and corporate design.
The brief included creating a classic-modern design along with business cards, flyers and a website. The explicit request was to avoid using a tooth as a motif for the logo, as »everyone does that.« However, the final logo does feature a tooth, framed like a brooch – and there’s a good reason for that.
Since many patients associate dental visits more with fear than joy, it was important to develop a graphic and verbal language that conveys the reassuring feeling: »Here, I’m in good hands.« The key lies in using approachable language free of jargon and a healthy dose of humor. These elements balance the rigidity of the design with softness and charm. Clarity doesn’t have to be cold and distant; it can also foster trust and safety.

The project began with discussions about the character of the new dental practice. Questions included: »Why do you want to start your own practice?«, »What do you want to do differently as a boss compared to your previous employers, and what would you continue to do the same?«, »What aspects of employee relations are important to you?« and »Why is it important to you to provide the best possible care for your patients?«
The tooth is surrounded by an oval, which at the bottom is adorned with stylized peony leaves (Dr. Willerding’s favorite flower). For some, this may evoke the association of a candy, subtly referencing sugar as the arch-enemy of every dentist. To emphasize the central role of the logo in the corporate design, the basic shape of the tooth was used to develop a series of icons representing various services on the website.
The logo is available in both a large version, used on the website and for signage and a smaller version. For readability, the small logo omits the full name in favor of the much shorter abbreviation, »DR. W.«

. Code: Lukas Luftläufer
. Corporate Identity
. Corporate Design
. Logo und Claim
. Icon Design
. Web Design
. Text
. Beschilderung

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